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Supporting people of all ages with physical and intellectual disabilities.

Supporting people of all ages with physical and intellectual disabilities.


GPSO is a non-profit community-based organisation run by a volunteer Board of Management.

We aim to empower each individual to become independent and achieve their identified goals by using a person-centred approach and supports Participants to access all services and information available in their community. 

Supported Independent Living

GPSO aims to create a safe and secure home for all Participants, where each Participant is assisted to reach their personal goals and achieve their quality of life in our newly built SIL houses in Griffith. 

Specialist Disability Accomodation

GPSO has skilfully designed each house to contain innovative technology, assistive equipment, and open living spaces to create a safe and empowering home for people with a disability. Our housing will be available from June 2021.

What is the NDIS?

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a scheme of the Australian Government, implemented by the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA), that funds costs associated with people living with a disability.