Short Term Accommodation
Short Term Accommodation (STA), also known as respite, enables people with a disability to experience living away from home in a supportive environment.
STA is a support that can be delivered in a group or 1:1 arrangement, where Participants are assisted to partake in social activities, access the community and develop independent skills.
Short Term Accommodation is available in both Griffith and Leeton
GPSO has established a STA facility in both the Griffith and Leeton facility and offer the provision of in-home respite if requested. Both facilities are wheelchair accessible and include bedroom, kitchen, bathroom and shared living arrangements.
STA services cater for different lengths of time, commonly 1-3 nights at the one time.
GPSO also supports Participants to access STA as a transition to long-term Supported Independent Living (SIL).
STA is a very popular service and booking in advance is essential. Please contact GPSO on (02) 6964 3199 to enquire further into available STA services.
STA is a very popular service and booking in advance is essential.
Please contact GPSO on 02 6964 3199 to enquire further into available STA services, or fill out the form.
Supported Independent Living
GPSO will be providing Supported Independent Living (SIL) supports in our newly built houses in Griffith.
Specialist Disability Accommodation
GPSO is in the process of constructing Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) houses in the Griffith area.
What is the NDIS?
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a scheme of the Australian Government, implemented by the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA), that funds costs associated with people living with a disability.
Our Services
Our mission is to provide individualised support to people of all ages living with physical and intellectual disabilities.